Food or Food Products
How do you choose between food and food-products?
I want you to answer these questions before I do the above.
My questions:
How long will it take to consume cornflakes?
How long will it take to consume a vegetable salad?
How long will it take to consume noodles?
How long will it take to consume ragi ball?
How long will it take to consume chapathis?
How long will it take to consume a bakery product that you like?
How long will it take to consume chocolates?
How long will it take to consume biscuits?
How long will it take to consume a bowl of fruits?
The answers:
Cornflakes—a few minutes
Vegetable salad—almost half an hour
Noodles—a few minutes
Ragi ball—half an hour
Chapathis—more than fifteen minutes
Bakery products—a handful of them in few minutes. I bet that you can still do a better job.
Chocolates—should I answer?
Biscuits—should I answer?
Fruit bowl—more than 10 minutes
The ones that are consumed in a few minutes are the food-products. On the other hand, the ones that take more time to consume belong to the food category. Usually food products are packed colorfully. They are shrewdly marketed—not so with “food.” Now, the next question you want to ask me is, why should I not consume food products? You say, “My God! They taste so good.”
Behold! Food products contain chemicals. Chemicals are added to enhance taste and look better. Some of the products contain trans-fat. Trans-fat is added to improve the shelf life of the product. Many other hidden ingredients are added to enhance the taste. The manufacturers of these products want you to consume merely more of them. They are not in the market to philosophize about healthy eating. It is you who have to decide what to eat and what not to eat.
You know what Adelle Davis says. She says, “As I see it, everyday you do one of two things: build health or produce disease in yourself.” You consume food, you build health. You consume food products, you produce disease.