Fueling the Heart with Wrong Fat
The preferred fuel of the heart is fatty acids. Fatty acids are the building blocks of the fat in our bodies and in the food
read moreThe preferred fuel of the heart is fatty acids. Fatty acids are the building blocks of the fat in our bodies and in the food
read moreI believe you might all by now know that consuming omega 3 fatty acids is paramount for your health and well-being. You should also know
read moreUdo Erasmus the author of the book Fats that Heal and Fats that Kill says that most animals can make vitamin C from glucose. Moreover,
read more“Our own physical body possesses a wisdom which we who inhabit the body lack.” – Henry Millersanct I believe most of us don’t realize this
read moreBy vishwaon Health, Inspiration, Nutrition, Training
January 8, 2014
I am a voracious reader, and I honestly doubted what this memoir, The Black Prince, written by Robby Robinson, could offer me after reading and
read moreMy spouse started to work out in the gym from 4 months—I say better late than never. She now seems to understand that both exercising
read moreIt is my gut feeling when I see fat and plump kids that something invariably is wrong. Ha! Now when I stumble across a study
read moreHa! How true. I, however, say to my gym clients not to bother about their eating plan when they join the gym. For many of
read moreA gym is not an industry. In an industry you work on the raw materials to derive the end product. For example, in a hotel
read moreI met an old friend a few days ago. He said that I had lost weight and asked me the reason. I said to him
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