Its Being Hungry Forever.
By vishwa on Health, Inspiration, Training
September 4, 2017
I practice writing English, so that I can write better in my blog. I typically pick a book from a good English writer, and jot a few paragraphs from a chapter. The idea is to mindfully watch the writer’s words. Natalie Goldberg is my usual choice from the lot. Her book titled Writing down the Bones is a masterpiece. Her English language is lucid and always to the point. My intention is to write effortlessly and coherently as she does.
Today, while I was practicing I came across an important word. The word—hunger. Natalie says that practicing writing is like running. She says, “Like running the more you do it, the better you get at it. Some days you don’t want to run and you resist every step of the three miles, but do it anyway. You practice whether you want to or not. You don’t wait around for inspiration and a deep desire to run. It’ll never happen, especially if you are out of shape and have been avoiding it. But if you run regularly, you train your mind to cut through or ignore your resistance. You just do it. And in the middle of the run, you love it. When you come to the end, you never want to stop. And you stop, hungry for the next time.”
Please reread the last sentence. I believe the word hungry is so powerful. On a similar note, several of my gym clients ask me, “What keeps me motivated to workout daily?” I know that you find it interesting to note that I continue to enjoy my workouts every day in the gym. It may even surprise you to know that I have been training for 20 long years and don’t want to stop, whatsoever. As Natalie says, I am merely hungry, for I keep coming back at it. And when I stop, briefly, I am hungrier for the next time.
Similarly, the word inspirational doesn’t motivate me at all. I find the word redundant. Don’t be inspired to do things, you may burnout soon; instead, just make it a habit, stop procrastinating (delaying won’t help) and just go do it. Lastly, don’t overthink; the moment you do that your mind drifts and you lose the focus.