Iron Cult » Health,Inspiration,Training » 12 Systems Of The Human Body And Strength Training–Last Series

12 Systems Of The Human Body And Strength Training–Last Series

I hereby complete commenting on all the systems.

Endocrine system

“The endocrine system is composed of many glands that secrete hormones, such as:

growth hormone (GH)

testosterone (T)

insulin (I)

insulin-like growth factor (IGF)

cortisol (C)

brain-derived neurotropic factor (BNDF)

The hormonal response to exercise is quite overwhelming as many favorable hormonal changes occur during, after, and as a result of resistance exercise training.  These hormonal responses significantly contribute to:

improved body composition changes

improved strength

anti-aging benefits

improved energy and well—being

prevention of many major life—threatening diseases (cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and certain types of cancer).”

Scott’s verdict:  “Yes”

My rational:  Preventing certain types of cancer may sound farfetched, but I confirm with all other statements.  However, we know that insulin resistance as opposed to insulin sensitivity is one of major factors responsible for the onset of diabetes.  Strength training triumphs in improving insulin sensitivity.  I have come across several gym clients who were borderline diabetics.  And after several months of strength training they saw a marked improvement in managing their blood sugar.  A majority of them who were borderline diabetics, fortunately, stopped consuming medications.    I believe, this is a major success awarded to strength training.

Cardiovascular system

“The cardiovascular system is composed of the heart and all circulatory tissues (arteries and veins).  Depending on the training variables implemented in a training program, the cardiovascular system can be positively influenced.  For example, when MetCon or HIIT are incorporated, the cardiovascular benefits are outstanding.  On the other hand, if you’re doing maximal strength programming (i.e. a powerlifting program) there will be less of an effect on the cardiovascular system.  Strength training can improve the function of the cardiovascular system, depending on the training variables that are used in the program.”

Scott’s verdict:  “Yes.”

My rational:  I wholeheartedly second the views.

Digestive system

“The digestive system breaks down the food we eat to enter into the bloodstream to distribute to the cells for energy and nutrients.  Waste by-products are eliminated.  The practice of regular exercise has been found to improve the digestion and elimination process.  In a small research study, it was reported that GI (gastrointestinal) transit time was accelerated in middle-aged and older men who performed strength training.  The significance of this is a reduction in colon cancer.”

“Granted the study was small, but it was meaningful data on the influence of strength training on the digestive system.  And, certainly the combination of exercise training and optimal nutrition will enhance the performance of the digestive system.”

“We don’t train to improve our digestive system function, but there certainly seems to be benefits to this system as a result.”

Scott’s verdict: “Yes.”

My rational:   As I stated earlier, I would fall sick often.  On a similar note, my appetite hasn’t been great.  In other words, I am blessed to be not a foodie.  However, I see that whenever I exercise physically my appetite is appropriate; likewise, when I rest for more than 2 or 3 days my appetite suffers.  Physical movement is a great precursor for better digestive system function.  I am a living proof beyond doubt.

Urinary system

“The urinary system eliminates excess nitrogen from the body.   It also regulates water, electrolyte, and acid—base balance in the body.  Does strength training impact the urinary system in any way?”

“Honestly, I don’t think it matters.  At least I have not found any evidence to support such a claim.”

Scott’s verdict:  “No.”

My rational:  No

Reproductive system

“Obviously, the reproductive system is different for males and females.  Regardless, this is an interesting system as it relates to strength and exercise.

Indirectly, you could argue that there is an impact on sex—related hormones (testosterone for males, estrogen for females) as a result of strength training, which then does have an impact on the reproductive system and sex drive.”

Scott’s verdict:  “Yes.”

My rational:  I don’t know whether this is coincidental or not, but a few women who were eager to conceive (but had hormonal issues to conceive) and at the same time started gymming, did conceive.  I am forced to believe that physical activity regulates the hormones, which are responsible for child birth.  However, I can confirm that women who have poly cystic ovarian disease (PCOD) were better at coping with the syndrome. Few of my gym clients who were troubled with PCOD started to lose weight, got regular menses and, as I stated earlier, did conceive too.  Some of them did report the positive changes they obtained from strength training to me.



All said and done, don’t rule out the psychological benefit you derive from strength building.  Strength training is a well-known antidepressant, and can be a great confidence booster.  As I stated earlier, strength training can positively affect you beyond aesthetics and strength.

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