Iron Cult » Health,Training » An Another Friday At the Stadium

An Another Friday At the Stadium

It is an unusual day today. Unlike summer where the weather is hot and sunny it is cloudy and is raining inconsistently since three days. Few of my gym clients didn’t turn up today to the gym, as it drizzled in the morning. Nonetheless, the remaining of us ventured to the nearby stadium and practiced running. We have been relentlessly performing the Friday drills for more than 8 years.

Sprinting 100 meters for 5 rounds which is the classically performed bread and butter running routine wasn’t executed today. For a change, all of us jogged for several rounds in the stadium. It bored me; however, the endorphin rush assisted me to stay in an elevated mood for several hours.

Similarly, since I am researching on play being an integral part of physical training, I joined my gym clients for a game of rugby. You should know that the Friday drill is concluded with a game of rugby. Nonetheless, the running, which is the highlight of the Friday drill comforted and nourished us on this gloomy and dull day.

PS: Endorphins are a natural hormone in your body that is released when you do certain activities. Running is well known in releasing endorphin, and so is the elevated mood that follows the activity.

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