A Gritty Neil Burns
By vishwa on Health, Inspiration, Nutrition, Training
June 13, 2012
I hope you will watch this inspiring video. If this cannot motivate you to stay healthy and fit, I don’t know what else can. Importantly, do you think that your excess bodyweight is causing a problem? Don’t fret. Neil Burns story will inspire you. What fascinates me is that Neil was not after an out-of-the-box regimen or a diet plan. On the contrary, he followed a simple plan. He stopped eating the excess calories (roughly 10,000 calories of fast foods) and in turn made healthy food choices. Also, he stuck to workout plan and that was to work out regularly.
Behold! Now comes the interesting part. Neil Burns lost over 300 pounds. Please remember, he did this by following a simple eating plan and through physical training. I believe the take home message from this story is to commit yourself and find a way out to excel. “High achievements always take place in the framework of high expectation.” Charles F. Kettering.
If a man who almost weighed 700 pounds can lose over 300 pounds why can’t you. I believe we can outdo ourselves. Do you have it in you to persevere? Or do you want to live a life of regret? Well, I feel living a life of regret is the most distressing thing that can happen to us. Please don’t allow that to consume you.
PS: I thank Ross for posting this video at his blog. Enjoy watching the video.