Iron Cult » Health,Inspiration,Training » 73 and Still Going Strong

73 and Still Going Strong

When I see older men/women working out it truly motivates me. I can hear them shouting and saying, “If I can so can you.” The man in the video is 73 year old. He performs many drills on the bar. Men– half of his age or even younger cannot thrive like him. It might even embarrass us to watch him perform the drills with ease.

On a similar note, yesterday I was running (jogging) in the nearby stadium. By the way, I am recovering from a torn hamstring in my left thigh. The physiotherapist—the man who has saved me from a several debilitating injuries asked me to run at a below normal speed to recover from the pain. While executing my rounds, it immensely gratified me to watch an elderly man, probably in his 60’s, run at a good speed for several rounds. It looked like the man was enjoying his distance running. It was truly inspirational.

Similarly, many of my clients question me—“for how long can we continue to be physically active?” Well! The man in the video answers you, I believe.

PS: I thank Ross for posting this video in his blog.

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